Library Workers and Disabilities: An Annotated Bibliography

Susie Skarl, Amanda Slater


Within the field of library and information science (LIS), there has been an abundance of scholarship focusing on serving library patrons with disabilities, yet there has not been a great deal of research on library staff members with disabilities in LIS literature. This paucity of data on library staff with disabilities has included demographic information, lived experiences through training, education, and in the field, and across different types of libraries and library roles. Although there has been a recent emphasis on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the library field, there is still not a significant amount of attention focusing on disability issues among library staff members compared to other areas of EDI inquiry. This annotated bibliography highlights key journal article publications and book chapters published internationally from 2011-2022 that offer insight into the issues faced by library and archival staff living with disabilities.


library workers; disability; inclusion; employment; accommodations

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