The Emotional Dimensions of Deselection: An Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of this annotated bibliography is to highlight the limited literature available regarding the emotional dimensions of deselection on the part of librarians. Though there is a vast body of research regarding deselection, much of the literature focuses on practical strategies for planning and carrying out deselection projects, reflecting mostly on how stakeholders beyond the library – patrons, faculty, the public, etc. – are affected by such projects, there is little research on how such projects emotionally impact the librarians carrying them out. This bibliography highlights and analyzes literature which does in some way, however small, acknowledge that facet of the practice. The author raises questions regarding the emotional dimensions of deselection as it relates to librarianship, wondering why this aspect of the practice has not been more studied, given its controversial nature and increasing necessity as electronic resources become more preferred, and the physical face of libraries change in response.