“Opportunities in Disguiseâ€: The Continuing Evolution of an Authentic Information Literacy Assessment

Janet Pinkley, Debra Hoffmann


This article outlines the continuing evolution of the authentic assessment process for information literacy instruction at the John Spoor Broome Library at California State University, Channel Islands (CI), with particular focus on the library’s 2013 assessment project.  The goal of these continually evolving processes is to assess the library’s value in ways that allow librarians to easily translate assessment findings to the campus community and to have actionable results that improve the library’s service to students.   Librarians at CI continue to adjust and improve their authentic assessment process with the following goals in mind:  to utilize information gleaned from assessment efforts to create opportunities that positively impact and support learning through targeted, assignment-specific library instruction;  to clearly define the role of the library and librarians in the student learning process; to translate and articulate assessment findings in meaningful ways to the campus community; and to have actionable results that improve the library’s service to students.   


assessment; information literacy; continuous improvement; library instruction; collaboration; academic libraries

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