RAD! Creation of a Research and Access Services Department

Peter Klubek


The article presented a case study of a service department and desk reconfiguration through the establishment of a Research and Access Services department at a university library, highlighting the strategic merger of the Reference and Circulation departments to enhance service delivery. This reorganization sought to streamline operations, improve user experience, and optimize resource utilization. By combining these two traditionally separate functions, the new department provided a more cohesive and efficient service model, reducing redundancy and fostering greater collaboration among staff. The article also offered recommendations for other libraries considering similar restructuring. It emphasized the importance of careful planning relying on literature from the ALA, ACRL, and RUSA. The article concludes that such a merger can lead to significant improvements in service efficiency and effectiveness, ultimately enhancing the library role in supporting academic success.


Research and Access Services; university library reorganization; reference and circulation merger; streamlined service model; library service optimization

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